Thursday, February 3, 2011

Law School Snow Day!

I can't believe that I'm actually sitting at home right now, instead of in my Advanced Bankruptcy Class, because of the possibility of snow!

When hubbs and I lived in Chicago, I was the biggest wimp alive when it came to inclement weather.  I remember the first day that it really, truly snowed while we were living there.  I opened up the curtains of our bedroom and saw Grant Park covered in snow.  It was so beautiful and I was so excited!  That excitement quickly died once I stepped outside and the slushy wet snow soaked through my boots half way to the L stop.  I cried and told Brian I wanted to move home, lol.

Anyway, I got a lot better over the course of two years.  So even though I think it's a little silly to call off everything because it "might" freeze or snow, I'm not gonna complain!  As we speak, I'm enjoying a delicious mug of hot chocolate and playing with my boys :)

Okay, maybe mine doesn't look quite like this, hehe. {image via} 

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